
Creating chances through working with our supply chain partners: Commercial Group

Mears partners with the Commercial Foundation on their #NoLimits programme for 16 to 25 year olds in Gloucestershire.

The Commercial Foundation is a Social Enterprise and runs a programme called the #NoLimits Programme for young people aged 16 to 25 years in Gloucestershire. The programme is an eight-week course designed to help young people who are unemployed and facing multiple barriers to secure their next step in either education or employment.

The programme is open to any young person who wants to attend. At Mears, many young people we work with come from areas of social deprivation and have complex needs. Our adaptation of the programme is tailor-made to build confidence and focus on helping and supporting the individual. By offering weekly mentoring and on-going support once a young person has secured employment, we are able to make a difference.

The Mears head office team in Brockworth created a structured approach to the interviews to simulate as ‘real life’ experience as possible within Mears, coordinating people available based within the different departments in Gloucester. Understanding that interview dropout rates on the day is commonplace and that it is a big step for an individual to attend a mock interview when they have been out of work for various reasons is important, ensuring feedback is constructive but appropriately delivered.

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