Awards & Accreditations

Measuring our success

We want to drive continuous improvement in everything we do. That’s why we seek accreditation from some of the most prestigious organisations who recognise how to drive improvement.
Our awards and accreditations show that we place safety, our colleagues and our customers at the heart of everything we do.

Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents

An organisation that promotes a safe working environment

Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents

Health and safety is paramount to our business. In 2022 Mears Group was awarded the RoSPA Order of Distinction alongside its 21st consecutive Gold award in the internationally renowned Health and Safety Awards run by RoSPA.

TPAS Contractor Accreditation

An organisation that engages with customers

TPAS Contractor Accreditation

Mears has continuously held the Tpas Contractor accreditation since 2015. It is an independent evidence-based accreditation scheme that assesses and recognises resident engagement arrangements.

Armed Forces Covenant - Gold Award

An organisation that actively promotes support to Armed Forces Veterans

Armed Forces Covenant - Gold Award

Mears has signed up to the Armed Forces Covenant to demonstrate our commitment to ensure that those who serve or who have served in the armed forces, and their families, are treated fairly.

Best Companies 2024

A great employer

Best Companies 2024

Mears was named as one of the top large businesses to work for in the UK’s Best Large Companies to Work For list. Best Companies recognises businesses that take workplace engagement seriously in order to build a happier, healthier workforce. Our listing in the top 25 has been maintained since 2019.

Social Mobility Index 2023

An organisation that champions Social Mobility

Social Mobility Index 2023

Mears is listed as a top 75 Social Mobility Employer in the Social Mobility Index. The Index is an important benchmarking initiative that ranks Britain’s employers on the actions they are taking to ensure they are open to accessing and progressing talent from all backgrounds and it showcases progress towards improving social mobility.

FTSE 4 Good

A socially responsible business

FTSE 4 Good

Mears Group is placed in the top 9% of the UK’s most socially responsible businesses in the FTSE4Good Index, which recognises excellent ESG practices.

ICS TrainingMark

Colleagues receive best in class training

ICS TrainingMark

The Institute of Customer Service’s (ICS) TrainingMark demonstrates that our Customer Excellence Training (Making a Positive Difference) programmes meet national standards for customer service, as independently recognised by the ICS.

ICS - Service with Respect

Backing our essential workers

ICS - Service with Respect

Mears is proud to support the ICS’s new ‘Service with Respect’ campaign combatting the abuse and anti-social behaviour experienced by essential workers in customer-facing roles.

Social Value Management Certification

A socially responsible business

Social Value Management Certification

The Social Value Management Certificate (SVMC) is a multi-level award for organisations who want to gain best practice processes for social value. In 2022 we were pleased to become the only company in the housing sector to be awarded the Level 2 certificate which focuses on implementation.

EW Inclusive Culture Pledge

Celebrating our diversity

EW Inclusive Culture Pledge

We are proud to have signed the EW inclusive Culture Pledge. This demonstrates our commitment to developing an inclusive culture. This supports our ambitions for our new Fairness and Inclusion policy.

Diversity Development Standard Silver

Diversity Development Standard Silver

The Diversity Development Standard is a recognised diversity accreditation. It’s both a badge of excellence audited and verified by an independent panel of industry experts. The programme focuses on practical action to achieve a truly diverse workforce. By developing an inclusive culture, in which everyone can flourish, the wellbeing of all staff is supported and maintained. ​

UK Customer Experience Awards

UK Customer Experience Awards

Best ESG Framework in Customer Experience: The award recognises the our dedication in delivering an ESG customer approach, which puts our customers at the heart of what we do and supports a culture that fully integrates sustainability to raise standards for every resident in the sector.

Career Transition Partnership (CTP) Endorser Award

Career Transition Partnership (CTP) Endorser Award

The Career Transition Partnership (CTP) works to provide service leavers with career pathways and job opportunities as they transition between military and civilian life.

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