
Spotlight on Facilities Management Apprentice Kamil

Kamil Kaczmarek joined the Highlands Schools Facilities Management team, based in Inverness, as a Caretaking apprentice in June 2024.

He had previously been working in part-time in a supermarket and saw Mears’ apprenticeship scheme as an ideal opportunity to branch out into a new career.

What have you enjoyed so far and what are you looking forward to in the future?

I really enjoy working with my colleagues and learning about building fabric and management. I am looking forward to having the opportunity to work on site unsupervised and become self-reliant in delivering my role against our service level agreement objectives, as well as our Red Thread values.

I am happy with the job and tasks I am assigned and I’m learning a lot about building fabric and delivery plant, which should give me the foundation to progress in my career with Mears FM.

What skills have you developed since starting your apprenticeship?

Tractor driving, Pool plant operation, Legionella prevention and management, fire and intruder alarms, CCTV compliance, health and safety at work, dealing with the public and school staff and managers and emergency light testing. I’ve also had the opportunity to work with people with additional needs in one of our schools where we were identifying faults.

What advice would you give to yourself if you were starting your apprenticeship again?

I’d say to be open to new ideas and working practices when working in a big branch. Take the advice of your peers and tap into the sub-contractors when on site to get an overview of how plant works i.e. heating, boilers and sprinkler systems and the services they carry out.

What does a typical day look like during your apprenticeship?

I might be opening up schools for operation ensuring that we are compliant within the fire regulations, or making sure the swimming pool is available for use and the chemical balance is safe for swimmers. My responsibilities include Legionella prevention through the temperature control on taps,  setting up rooms for teachers, meetings and lets, and ensuring lunch tables are set up and the school and grounds are kept clean and in good order. I also identify issues and log faults through the helpdesk, ensuring that we resolve tasks within the agreed time frame.  

What advice would you give anyone thinking about taking on an apprenticeship?

Go for it – be open to the challenges and embrace the opportunity.

Find about more about apprenticeships with Mears Group here: Apprenticeships | Mears Careers