Residents of Blackburn Court have had their wish for recycling facilities granted thanks to Mears Group extending a small bin area which was simply not enough for the 40 flats.
Tenants were unhappy with the appearance of the overflowing bin area and had experienced numerous fly tipping problems. Mears Group stepped in and donated some man power to extend the bin area which has doubled the number of recycling bins available.
Mears Group provides repairs and maintenance on behalf of Aire Valley Homes, Mears' Manager Andy Wilson said 'The extended bin area will make a big difference to the residents and has already improved the appearance of Blackburn Court, we were happy to help, just a small amount of effort will make a big difference to that community'
Bernard, a local resident, is really happy about the new bin area and had this to say: "Our current number of recycling bins was not sufficient for the number of properties. When they were full, refuse was being left in bin bags and there was the potential of an environmental disaster from rats as we are near the local Beck. Urban foxes were also becoming a nuisance. Now that the area has been extended and we have 6 large recycle bins, the area is much tidier and 100% better."