Working with training provider Canterbury College, Mears co-ordinated an Apprentice Recruitment Day in June, alongside DCB Kent and Swale Heating. The companies carry out work in East Kent Housing properties.There were 13 Apprenticeship vacancies on offer in Plumbing, Carpentry and Business Administration. Current apprentices and trades people were on hand to answer questions from the 60 attendees and explain about what their jobs entail.
Through a series of activities including making a chair from balloons (to assess team work) and speed interviewing each company was able to shortlist the most promising would be apprentices to start later this year.The event included the college entry test which, if passed, means that the college will retain their details for wider vacancies if they were not successful at this time.Applicants said:"Very informative - regardless of success and I appreciate the level of support offered by staff.""I feel the interview process was really good and the team building exercise was a great way to get to know people.""Our team worked well together - it seemed like an impossible task but we came together and succeeded."