Mears Care, who provide home care and support services to over 600 people living in Wirral have just been awarded full marks by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) the body that inspects and regulates care services in England.
In an unannounced, routine inspection the CQC assessed the local team of 212 care workers providing home care to people of all ages and abilities. The CQC judged the team on five areas; recruitment, care and welfare, consent to care and treatment, safeguarding and assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision including complaints. The CQC awarded Mears with full marks in each of these categories.
The CQC spoke with people who used the service with one person stating; "Service is excellent" "Care is perfect" "They know exactly what they are doing"
People and relatives that the CQC spoke to said they were; "happy with the staff who delivered personal care." And " the staff were very pleasant, always courteous and helpful."
Paul Cooper, Manager of Mears Wirral said; 'It has been a real team effort from the care team and the office staff. We have a rapid access contract helping people get home from hospital and a home care contract - the care staff never let Mears down with their bright smiles and can do attitude. We are all focused on providing the highest quality care to older and disabled people living in Wirral. Our work ensures that people can remain independent in their own homes.'