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Shed loads going on in Wingate!


Wingate Residents Association, supported by East Durham Homes and East Durham Trust has recently launched a 'men in shed' project, which provides local men with a shed next to Gully House to meet in and socialise.

The group wanted to start growing their own fruit and vegetables so contacted Morrison Facilities Services for help.  Morrison agreed to build planters for them and was kindly provided with building materials free from Travis Perkins.

Morrison joiners Graham Browell and Billy Groves volunteered to build the planters on the 19 July and they are now ready to be filled.

Lena Devine from Wingate Residents Association said:  "The group are very pleased with the planters and they are really keen to start planting as soon as possible!  They will certainly make good use of the planters and hope to provide home grown fresh products to local residents."

Peter Eldrett, East Durham Homes Customer Involvement Manager said: "This is a great example of our community involvement and partnership with Morrison Facilities Service.  This has made a major difference not only to the local resident group but will also benefit the wider community."


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