At Mears we are leading the way in recruiting more women into trades to build a diverse workforce.
Only 1% of trade operatives are female and we are determined to encourage more women to join Mears and others in the Social Housing Building Maintenance sector.
The Tradeswomen into Maintenance project aims to increase the awareness of trade employment and training opportunities for female trade apprentices and operatives in the social housing building maintenance sector.
The project intends to increase the inclusion of targeted recruitment and selection in the procurement of social housing; increase the number of females working in trades and crafts in social housing maintenance by providing signposting, toolkits and best practice guidance and to identify to employers how they can best retain women in this non-traditional area of work, once they have been recruited.
Best Practice Guide
Making social housing landlords and maintenance companies open and welcoming to tradeswomen
This Best Practice Guide shares a number of case studies from organisations who run initiatives on how to best recruit and retain women in trades along with providing practical training tips for the current workforce.
Download the Best Practice Guide
Resource Directory
Signposting for girls and women wanting to work on the manual trades in the Social Housing Maintenance sector
The Resource Directory provides signposting for careers information highlighting links between the Maintenance sector and schools, colleges and youth groups; as well as signposting for women who are currently unemployed or in low-skilled unstable employment to accredited training and sustainable roles within the sector.
Download the Resource Directory
Legal Guide
Guidance and templates for the procurement of social housing contracts
Maximising the recruitment and retention of tradeswomen
The Legal Guidance includes clauses drafted for social housing procurers to include in tender documents to encourage tenderers to focus on how they can encourage more tradeswomen into the sector. Andrew Millross, Partner at Anthony Collins Solicitors and Steering Group Member, has kindly created the publication.
Research Report
Original research on tradeswomen in the Social Housing Building Maintenance sector.
Online Schools Toolkit
Mears Group combine education with Trades employment, resulting in effective learning and careers information.
Our specially designed school workshops will introduce children to the world of work in Social Housing Building Maintenance and give them the opportunity to participate in Trade inspired activities.
Our Tradeswomen Ambassadors excel at delivering workshops designed to engage learners at key stage 2, 3 and 4. We ensure all content is relevant to each key stage covering areas of the curriculum in English, Mathematics, Design Technology, Science and Art and Design.

Plumbing - Key Stage 2
In this workshop children will learn about the cycle of water, how water is treated and the journey water takes to get to our taps. They will have fun becoming a Plumber for the day constructing pipes and fittings to simulate how water is carried around our homes.

Electrical - Key Stage 3
In this workshop children will learn about electricity and how it travels to our homes. They will consider life without electricity and how this affects our daily lives before engaging in an electrifyingly fun activity connecting circuits to create light, sound and movement.

Painting and Decorating - Key Stage 4
In this workshop children will explore what it is like to work as a Painter and Decorator and learn about the opportunities within the Social Housing Building Maintenance industry. They will get hands on with tools and materials and experience painting techniques, wallpapering and tiling.

Carpentry - Key Stage 4
In this workshop children will learn what it takes to become a Carpenter and the duties carried out in Social Housing Building Maintenance. They will be given careers advice on Apprenticeships within the sector and engage in a fun kitchen design activity putting their maths and design skills to the test.
Digital Learning

Craft your Future is a construction game aimed at 12 to 14 year old learners based on Minecraft. Please follow the link to access the four free education lessons and teaching materials that will inspire the next generation of construction managers.
Visit CIOB's Craft Your Future
To enquire about workshops in your area please contact your local branch.
If you are a social housing organisation, local authority, social housing provider, SHBM procurer or SHBM DLO / contractor and wish to deliver the schools toolkit within your own networks then you can download the resources for free here:
Download Packs
- Download Schools Toolkit Guidance for Leaders
- Download Tradeswoman into Maintenance Carpentry pack
- Download Tradeswoman into Maintenance Electrical pack
- Download Tradeswomen into Maintenance Painting and Decorating pack
- Download Tradeswomen into Maintenance Plumbing pack